Abstract Class vs Interface – When to use which


In this article, I will discuss on Abstract Class vs Interface and the design decisions about when to use abstract class and when to use interface. This topic is covered at the last section of this article. But before that, let us understand the basics of what an abstract class and interface is, what are … Continue reading Abstract Class vs Interface – When to use which

React Redux Tutorial


In this tutorial on React Redux, I will explain how to create a React application with Redux. In this application, I will explain how to fetch data from REST api endpoints. Who this tutorial is for  React developers with good knowledge of React and ES6 syntax wanting to learn Redux. You will learn Redux the … Continue reading React Redux Tutorial

Configurable Logging Framework in C#

Configurable Logging Framework in C# using Singleton Design Pattern and Factory Method Design Pattern. Built on .NET Core 2.2 framework. You can refer my previous articles on Factory Method Design Pattern and Abstract Factory Design Pattern for a refresher on these design patterns if needed. Key Learnings Key learnings from this article are as follows: … Continue reading Configurable Logging Framework in C#

Angular Material Table Rowspan, Highlight Row, Cell Color

Angular Material Data Table

Welcome to yet another post in the Angular series : Angular Material Table Rowspan, Highlight Row, Cell Color In this post, you will learn the following:- Create Angular Material Data Table Apply Row Span Highlight row using background color on mouse hover Apply cell color based on cell value Style the Angular Material Data Table using … Continue reading Angular Material Table Rowspan, Highlight Row, Cell Color

Angular 7 ASP.NET Core Application with Web API

Angular 7 ASP.NET Core

In this article I will be creating an Angular 7 ASP.NET Core Application with Web API. This article comprehensively describes each and every step to create the application from scratch. Source Code : Complete source code can be downloaded from the following GitHub repo – https://github.com/sudipta-chaudhari/Angular7DotNetCore Key learnings from this article is as follows: - Setup development environment … Continue reading Angular 7 ASP.NET Core Application with Web API

Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#

Abstract Factory

In my previous article Factory Method Design Pattern in C#, I had explained about Factory Method Design Pattern. In this article, I will explain Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#. Source Code: Complete source code can be downloaded from the following GitHub repo - https://github.com/sudipta-chaudhari/AbstractFactoryDesignPattern_CSharp This design pattern is also a Creational Design Pattern like … Continue reading Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#

Factory Method Design Pattern in C#

Factory Method Design Pattern

In this article on Design Patterns, I will explain Factory Method Design Pattern in C#. I will demonstrate the concept by creating a sample console application without Factory Method Design Pattern first, highlight the design issues and finally transform the design to a Factory Design Pattern. Source Code : Complete source can be found on … Continue reading Factory Method Design Pattern in C#

Azure SAS (Shared Access Signature) using C#

Microsoft Azure Logo

In this article, I will describe how to generate Azure Shared Access Signature using C#. In my previous article Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS), I described what is Azure Share Access Signature (SAS) and how to generate SAS token using Azure Portal. SAS token generated from Azure Portal has a predefined start and expiry time. In … Continue reading Azure SAS (Shared Access Signature) using C#